NASCAR 2008 Astro-Predictions ~ Chicago

Here are the driver’s who have pertinent and the most influential aspects for Chicago. The moon is, once more on a race day, void of course. The void of course Moon periods are characterized by inconsistency, a weird feeling of being somehow detached of reality and immersed into the cosmos, into the interplanetary space, floating somewhere among the rings of Saturn or the hoard of asteroids.In other words,inside out and backwards. Anything you expect to happen, won’t. What you don’t expect to happen, will.

Tony Stewart, born 20 May 1971
Intricate mental work 
Your mind is quite clear now, and you are able to handle the details of intricate mental work. Work with figures and tasks that require close attention to detail should work out very well. The only thing to watch out for, however, is that you may not find such work interesting enough to want to do it. This is a matter of individual temperament. Some people get restless under this influence when confronted with any routine work, but others handle their routine much more effectively. Also your ability to keep track of details makes this a good time for any business negotiations or other similarly complicated discussions. A contract or deal that you agree upon today will undoubtedly work out quite well, and you will be quite sure that you included everything important in the agreement. 

Kyle Busch, born 2 May 1985
Hurtful argument 
During this time you should be careful and keep a tight rein on yourself – especially if you are anyway of a spirited disposition. If you are after some kind of “conquest”, it is quite possible that under this influence you ignore warning signs and advance too directly and abruptly. There is also the danger, at the moment, that you sense competition or opposition where there is none. If you are too sensitive and quick- tempered, take every criticism personally and react in an offended manner, then around every corner is an enemy, and every conversation can turn into an argument in which you finally – without reason and probably without conscious intent – hurt others and are presumably yourself hurt to the same extent. 

Ryan Newman, born 8 December 1977
On the go
This is an excellent time for all kinds of mental work and for negotiations and dealings with others. You should feel mentally alert now and able to put forth your point of view on any matter so that others understand it. Whether they agree with you or not, they will at least respect your opinions. In negotiations with others, you will be able to assert your position and make it carry, if that is your intention. This a good time for planning, writing or any other predominantly mental work. You have a good grasp of how situations relate to you personally, and you can make plans accordingly. This is a favorable time for traveling, because you have lots of energy and want to be on the go. It is most favorable for travel that involves physical effort, such as walking or bicycle riding.

Martin Truex JR, born 29 June 1980
Easy company 
Valid during several weeks: This is one of the best of all influences for group activities or activities with friends. You will feel friendly toward almost everyone, and they will be friendly in return. It is a good time to have friends in for a party or to go out with a group of friends for a good time. You will enjoy each others company immensely and be much more loving and affectionate with each other. This benefit is not limited to activities with friends. Any situation in which you deal with many people in a group setting, for example a business conference or organizational meeting, is favored by this influence. Your ego energies are low enough so that you can deal agreeably with others, making whatever compromises are necessary without feeling that you are losing something personal that you should defend. 
Greg Biffle, born 23 December 1969
A continuous dialogue 
This influence is a powerful stimulus to the mind and to all kinds of communication and interchange with others. You will be engaged in an almost continuous dialogue with others today, which should tell you exactly how you stand with respect to them and how they are reacting to you. It is extremely important that you be receptive to anything that is presented to you. If your thinking is dominated by concern with yourself and your own position, to the point that you cannot hear what anyone else is saying, this is likely to be a day of argument and unconstructive dispute. But if you are receptive, you will be able to learn much. At the same time you can promote your own ideas by making it clear to others that your ideas are not a threat to theirs and that you are willing to work with them as a team. 

Carl Edwards, born 15 August 1979
In a tight spot
*** Major Transitional Change
Valid during many months: This influence can have the effect of arousing your ambition to achieve great things. You feel as if your energies could carry you higher and farther than usual, and you are willing to strive for power and success. But your efforts may run into considerable resistance from others, especially if you are not completely scrupulous about your methods. This time can bring you success and social standing, but it also can deprive you of these. Instead of gaining power, you may simply provoke conflict with those who are in power, sometimes quite innocently. You may have no intention of challenging anyone, yet you find yourself in a tight spot with the authorities.

Another manifestation of this energy is that you may become involved with a project to repair or rebuild something. It might be physical property, a neighborhood or a more abstract matter, such as reorganizing or reforming a government, business or other institution. Your aim is to improve, but here again you may encounter opposition from people who do not agree with your ideas or who feel threatened by your actions.

You must avoid becoming obsessed with any plan or course of action, and be particularly ready to reexamine your ideas of right or wrong in any matter. Stand up for what you believe is right, but first make sure that you are right. This influence sometimes can make you feel convinced of a point of view that is actually shaky. You should look at religious, philosophical or metaphysical views very closely. If you wish to lead others to enlightenment, first make very certain of the quality of your own.

In some cases this influence can lead to legal conflicts, and you should be very sure that any legal matter you are involved in is strictly legitimate. Avoid underworld or shady persons in any matter. 

Matt Kenseth, born 10 March 1972
Calm and foresight 
Now you experience a time of balance and equilibrium in your life, when you can be yourself with the fewest obstacles from people or circumstances. Various affairs in your life will hum along very nicely now, and you may be tempted to think that they will always go this well. But in fact this is the time to firm up your affairs and make sure that they are strong enough to withstand troubles that may come later on. You should examine the projects that have worked out well in the last few months and prepare them for a time in the near future when they will reach a critical culmination. Success in these matters is almost at hand, and you should use this time to prepare for it. 

Kurt Busch, born 4 August 1978
Discordant emotions 
Weak, transient effect: This influence, although not long lasting, can provide some moments of difficulty and irritation. Your emotions are discordant, and you may be more inclined to get into disagreements with others. This will probably have the greatest effect in your most personal life and domestic situation. Consequently you should watch out for unnecessary conflicts with loved ones. In a group, you will not feel that your interests are in accord with the others’ interests. It is not a good time to work with people or to make any kind of public appearance, if peace and harmony is your goal. However, if you are trying to stir people up about some issue or call their attention to circumstances that must be dealt with, this influence can be quite helpful, although the others may not appreciate your role in this. 

Jimmie Johnson, born 17 September 1975
During this time, love and affection are strongly tempered by practical considerations. Sometimes under this influence you will ask an older person’s advice about relationships, for you are reflecting about the state of your life and what your relationships mean to it. There is little tendency toward self-indulgence today. Your actions are characterized by restraint, which is usually good if you have to economize or recognize the limitations of your pocketbook. Under some conditions, this influence can indicate difficulties with your love relationships. You may not feel warm or affectionate, and you may alienate loved ones by seeming to be indifferent. A relationship that comes about during this time may be a long-lived but not flamboyant one, characterized by loyalty and soberness.

Jeff Gordon, born 4 August 1971 ~  **Discordant Energies ~ See Kyle Busch
Today you will display a great deal of energy in your dealings with other people. However, the problem lies in how you use that energy, for you may try to dominate others. Or you may encounter others who try to dominate you. Do not be so concerned with your own desires that your actions are out of harmony with the people around you. Do not be so willful that you actually get in the way of your own intentions. This influence can help you, because it enables you to make your mark on the people around you, so that they accept you and let you lead or help lead them. But you must be sure that you are right and that others really are willing to accept your leadership. Otherwise you will only create needless conflict that will bring you nothing.

Dale Earnhardt Jr., born 10 October 1974
Common-sense answers 
Weak, transient effect: Today during the day you will keep your emotions under control, not in a repressive, negative manner, but in a way that enables you to take a more sober and realistic view of life. You are able to put up with considerable adversity and strain during this time because it gives you patience and reserve strength. While you are not inclined to talk about your feelings to just anyone, you do not evade them in yourself. You may very well go off by yourself at this time to think about and evaluate your development. If you have a problem, seek out an older person whose wisdom you respect, who can offer emotional support and suggest practical and immediate answers. You need common-sense answers now that can be applied directly.

Robby Gordon, born 2 January 1969
Emotional encounters 
During this time your emotional experiences are much more intense than usual, which is reflected in the kinds of people and situations that you are drawn to. For example, you may draw in unusually intense or powerful people who have a strong effect upon you. Very often through your emotional encounters with these people, you experience moods and feelings that are quite different from your “normal” self. You may ask if this is really you, it seems so different. And you may also desire something that belongs to someone else, or you may desire greater control over something that is both yours and another’s. In either case you must recognize that your attachment serves no real purpose and that it is a potential source of trouble. 

Kasey Kahne, born 10 April 1980
This is a time of challenge and crisis. Very often this crisis occurs in the form of persons who are working at cross-purposes to your efforts. They may or may not oppose you intentionally, but the thrust of their actions forces you to prove that what you are doing is worthwhile. You may be very angry at these people, feeling that they are motivated by nothing but malice. In fact their motives are the same as yours, which you must learn to understand. Challenges may also occur in connection with your efforts to build something up, to create a material structure or to get a project going. Or they may occur as a test of some new aspect of your personality that has recently come into being. 

Jamie McMurray, born 3 June 1976
Untried and True 
This is a very stimulating influence that will make you feel more alive and awake mentally than at any other time. Although your thinking may be somewhat lacking in care and discipline, you will make up for this in the scope of your intuition. This is an excellent day to tackle some problem that you have been unable to solve with tried and true solutions. New ideas will come more rapidly than usual. Solutions that have eluded you will be obvious, and your vision will have considerable breadth and scope. Any new phenomenon will interest you, and the idea of traveling to foreign places will be especially appealing. If at all possible, break with your usual routine and go off somewhere, at least for the day. If you do, you will be glad for the freshness that such a break introduces into your life. 

Kevin Harvick, born 8 December 1975
Just bored 
At this time you may feel a strong urge to get away from the daily routine and go off somewhere, and you may not be entirely conscious of the reasons behind this drive. It is a mood, a restlessness that is hard to pin down. But there is more than one way to get away; for example it can be done in the mind as well as in the physical world. Travel may be beneficial as long as the break from your routine isn’t too radical. You are not really interested in getting totally away from it all, you are just bored with your everyday life. Study or mental journeys may be more useful, because you can remain in familiar surroundings supported by the comforts of your normal world. Yet at the same time you can expose yourself to ideas and concepts that are both revolutionary and liberating. Thus you can have some of the excitement that you crave. 

Denny Hamlin, born 18 November 1980
Emotional display 
This influence brings professional and business concerns into focus, but in a way that will test you. Your most intimate and personal life is on public display more than usual now, and you may find it difficult to hide certain facts about yourself. Obviously you are best off if you have nothing to hide. Even if you usually have reservations about emotional display in public, you are likely to indulge in such displays now. For example, you might have a public argument with a loved one or partner, or you might have a public outburst of good emotions. Perhaps you will want to help someone whom you know through your job and make the relationship something more than professional. But if it is to your disadvantage to blur the distinction between business and personal relationships, be careful, because you will tend to do this. 

Michael Waltrip, born 30 April 1963
Valid during several weeks: At this time you have to get in touch with your own subconscious mind, to find out how it directs your life in ways that you aren’t aware of. Try to see how your actions may run counter to your conscious intentions. We all broadcast two kinds of signals to the outer world. One kind is what we think we are trying to do. The other kind, which are unconscious signals, tell people what we are really trying to do. If these two sets of signals do not coincide, it is not because you are intentionally trying to deceive, but you may confuse people or even worse, cause them to lose faith in what you are trying to do. This is not a time to be wrapped up in your ego. You must be prepared to acknowledge your faults and your virtues without fear or self-recrimination. 

Jeff Burton, born 29 June 1967
Creative change 
You will find it relatively easy to act freely today. You are not very tolerant of restrictions under this influence, and you will look for ways to get away from them. As a result, you are not very self-disciplined, but this is not a serious loss, because whatever you do now is more important than “keeping your nose to the grindstone.” You feel that keeping your individuality is more important than living up to other people’s expectations, and you let others know this. This is ultimately to your advantage, since you must be yourself in whatever you do. Use this influence to make changes in your immediate surroundings. Chances are, your situation has become too ordered and static anyway. Reform the elements in your life that need to be reformed. This is an aspect of creative change.

Tally Ho LugNutZ! Onward!


  1. Night Race
    By Helen Losse

    Six o’clock and engines roar,
    six thirty, seven o’clock, eight.
    Finally the sun sets—yellow,
    orange, purple sky, definitely
    red behind the lighted stands

    at Chicagoland. Hot dogs,
    wrappers loose, on the track,
    on the grill, overheat, cars too
    tight, cars too loose, fans scream,
    having fun, time flies. Crew chief

    yells, “stay out,” “spring rubber in,”
    “spring rubber out,” “adjust the track
    bar,” “four tires,” or “just take two,”
    “gas and go,” gain time in the pits,
    or lose. Nine o’clock, then almost ten,

    . . . eleven. Then cars spin, cars pass,
    go high, go low, fans cheer, fans
    boo. Kyle Busch last night, victory
    under the lights—checkered flag,
    stuck in the mud, sweat and grin.

  2. Great Poem Helen. I am going to feature you in my post on Kyle. You desreve some attention from me!

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