NASCAR Blog Thieves – Here we go again…

This Feed is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this material in your news aggregator, or at the site you are looking at is guilty of copyright infringement. You are on the site of a thief.
Stealing is not ok…
It has come to my attention that at , there are entire posts, all copyrighted material, including text , art, and original photos from my blog, The Church of The Great Oval, all posted without my permission. I notice that this site is also allowing commentary about my posts, which is absolutely unacceptable and violates the Fair Use doctrine of the copyright act. The use of my art and original photos without permission is unauthorized derivative work, which is also a violation of my copyrights.I have not only copyrighted my blog as no commercial use but some posts and all original pictures are ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, use with written permission only. I certainly would not grant permission to anyone for commercial use or personal gain…FUCKING pay me for it Asshole. **oops…forgive me reader’s….I am washing my mouth out with soap. I violated my own policy. That’s ok tho…
It’s MY blog!
So onward now…
Dear Sploggers ~ other wise known as Blog Thieves and other names that cannot pass a Pastor’s lips:**I have already sworn a bit today. I believe I may not be the only one…

The purpose of Aggregation is not stealing entire blogs and adding them to your site as if we were/are contributors. Your site gives the impression that we are all collaborating and part of your website. You are taking commentary on my/our copyrighted work. Your site is also for the purpose of making money which is strictly forbidden in my copyrights. I have also notified, or been notified by, many of the other writer’s whose copyrights you are violating, including scraping the entire editorial staff at Scene Daily , including Lee Mongomery’s newest post, or, Full Throttle, and how DARE you steal from Antonette, and my CIM sister Bethie. You have jumped into the wrong Motor Sports crowd Buddy. We are all inter- connected, both in Spirit and Ethernet Spirit. You are stealing from the U.S., Canada, and the Phillipines. I think you think you are real smart. You are not.
Retaliation by submitting our names and email addresses to various search engines, home biz spammers and other ugly little creatures will only do you more harm. You will get in trouble with not only those of us from whom you are stealing, but the biz’s that you are fraudulently submitting our names to won’t like you much either. Do you not realize that you can be and are being tracked? DUH…Do you think you are the only person in the world with some fancy software that you are using for illegal purposes, of which I am sure it was not designed for.
Now, take for instance the picture at the top of my blog. I have this really neat little ditty embedded in it that tells me everywhere it goes…the IP of anyone who lifts it right clicking…Any website it ends up on…It tells me all sorts of neat things. We all have invisible things beaver’s to tell us what’s happening, embedded in our blogs… It may take me awhile to find it…but that’s only cuz I am kinda lazy… I have many pals that are not. I also happen to have a very badly broken ankle/leg, which allows me the pleasure of having a lot of time to just sit around with my foot above my heart…Keyboard on my lap…Looking around…Wherever I need to look.
Get it?
It is illegal to steal…And to Spam. And you are stealing from a Church! What kind of a human would do that? Oooohwheee!

This is my blog…I can say and write anything I want as long as I do it legally. I have a thing about KARMA.
What comes around goes around my friends…I am watching you buddy. If you 403 me, I will just have to send out my Lug Nut Troops. You don’t want that. Then you would probably be trying to ban the only traffic you get…
Onward Lug NutZ!!
Tally HO!!
© 2006 The Church of The Great Oval
© Clance’McClannahan ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Page copy protected against web site content infringement by Copyscape

Thanksgiving is over.

Well ,I made through Thanksgiving with all the little ones, daughters and hubby’s. Nothing broken. Wood floors still shine after a good mopping. The only damage that was actually done was I dumped a huge cup of coffee in the middle of my living room, and one of the kids flushed something down the toilet that created a bit of a well, back up issue…which somehow turned into a flood the floor issue.
The new meds the Doc put me on are kicking my butt and I am sleeping a lot. Forgive me if I don’t get around to reading you all for a few days. I do get to put more pressure on my leg now and begin to re-learn how to walk. The torture device has been changed again but it will keep both my feet headed in the same direction. My bones are knitting well to all the titanium in the leg/ all is well there. Still can’t drive…I MISS RIDING MY BIKE A LOT.
Check out this blog Stop it! Quit following me! She is a dear friend of mine, a fabulous artist in her own right and a huge Jimmie Johnson fan. She lived in Daytona for awhile and has a lot of interesting stories about NASCAR and life. Lorelei is awesome you will love her. Make sure you read her posts from the very first one on. She is a kick!
So Onward Lug Nutz and keep the faith…Tally Ho!!

Predicting the Future

This is totally what I expect to look like after Thanksgiving is over. It is what I looked like at the last birthday function. **These little gadgets are pretty cool…try it you’ll like it!
Yes, this really is me. Posted by Picasa

Happy Thanksgiving to ALL!

Happy Thankgiving to all of you!! I will be hosting the whole famdamily (I have not hosted for years….my daughter’s thinks it’s about my turn. I guess I can lay tarps all over my wood floors and cover everything I have in tarps too. Mind you…never in all these years have all seven of the Grandkids been in our home at the same time. I am scared.

Really, really… SCARED.

Jimmie Johnson NASCAR Champion

Congrats to Jimmie…he earned it and it was more than a miracle that you may realize. He has come much further than you may realize. Congat’s to Chad and crew also!
Ho hummmmm….now we must all come up with new things to write about. The big NASCAR inspiration is over. Now what? How creative can we get?
I am of to la-la land. Doc’ changed my pain meds, added a couple other ones and they are kicking my butt. To those that I may promised I would do something for you….forget it. Ain’t gonna happen today.
Tally HO!!
Onward to 2007.

NASCAR in Homestead – The Chase Final Astro Prediction – Matt Kenseth

Matt Kenseth, born 10 March 1972 Mars Trine Med.Coeli activity period from 18 November 2006 to 21 November 2006. Theme: Taking the initiative **

At this time you feel very self-assured and confident, and you will have the necessary material and physical resources to carry out whatever objectives you have in mind. If necessary, you work very hard to gather people who will work with you and to assure whatever backing you need. You undertake every task with great zeal and energy. And you don’t stand about waiting for someone to give you directions. You take the initiative yourself and finish the task swiftly. Also you will contribute everything you have to the effort. You are sufficiently confident of success that you are willing to take risks, and such risks are reasonably likely to turn out well. This process takes place in such a way that you learn more about yourself, and at the same time you are able to let others know clearly where you stand.

Mars Sextile Moon activity period from 18 November 2006 to 21 November 2006. Theme: On the lookout
You will have a strong desire to experience with all of your faculties as a whole person, not just with your mind. Also you will defend your beliefs and opinions with emotional and passionate fervor. It is not that you are looking for a fight, but you will not run from one either. You won’t allow anyone to walk all over you so long as this influence lasts. You seek out relationships and friends who will arouse your emotions as well as your intellect, and you may be on the lookout for someone with whom you can have a passionate sexual relationship. This influence also makes existing sexual relationships more intense. You will have the energy to work very hard, but only on projects that affect you personally. There is some impulsiveness with this influence and a tendency to leap to conclusions.

Chiron Sextile Neptune exact at 17:25 activity period from end of January 2006 until beginning of December 2006. Theme: Day Dreaming
Valid during many months: This influence will make it easier for you to contact the world of your dreams and fantasies. This may not be especially apparent when carrying out your daily routine, except perhaps if your occupation allows you to express your creative side in some way. If this is the case, this could be an inspirational time in which you could feel unable to keep track of the overwhelming flood of images emerging from your unconscious. This time will also be positive for you if your work involves caring for those suffering from physical and emotional pain, because it makes you more sensitive, helping you to understand many of the underlying causes of human suffering which are incomprehensible to the rational mind.
This influence will also help you to better understand problematic issues which you would usually rather ignore. It would probably do you good to get away from the rough and tumble of everyday life occasionally, giving your mind the chance to wander. Images from your childhood and adolescence could come to you during times of withdrawal, and these could bring back both beautiful and painful memories. This soothing time will help you see painful memories in a new light, making it easier for you to forgive those people who hurt you. Releasing yourself from your inner hurt will also increase your sense of freedom.

Moon Trine Ascendant exact at 07:52 active only on 19 November 2006 Theme: Maternal instincts
Weak, transient effect: This influence is good for all kinds of relationships in that all your contacts with others this morning are warm and emotional. You do not choose superficial or formal contacts but instead desire to make a personal connection with everyone you meet. At the same time you feel a strong need to protect and nurture those whom you are close to. There is something of the maternal instinct in the way you care for others. You are also very sensitive to people’s emotional needs and wants, which enables you to respond to them at a very deep level of understanding. You will want to feel that you belong to any group that you associate with at this time. Fortunately you will also be able to make others feel that they belong with you. Your emotions are so much closer to the surface of your being that you can see them clearly.

Moon Trine Med.Coeli exact at 21:15 activity period from 19 November 2006 to 20 November 2006. Theme: In tune
Weak, transient effect: Tonight your personal needs and career needs are balanced, and there will not be as much tension between them as at other times. Also your emotions are in tune with your intentions so that you can go about your business with complete oneness. There is less of the feeling that two sides of you are struggling for mastery over the whole. Under this influence you have a great ability to relate to others on an emotional level, because you feel your emotions so richly yourself. You are sensitive to others’ needs, and you understand how you can use their moods and sensitivities for positive ends. On the other hand, you may choose to retire into your own personal world. The richness of feeling and emotion that this time brings may make you feel like being alone or with only your closest loved ones.

Moon Sextile Moon exact at 21:23 activity period from 19 November 2006 to 20 November 2006 Theme: A need for intimacy
Weak, transient effect: This is a time of deep feelings. Tonight you want to be surrounded by familiar people and objects that remind you of pleasant past experiences. It is a good time to be with relatives and family and to go over old times with them. Or you may feel like doing nothing more adventurous than staying home and curling up with a good book. With this influence there is a great need for intimacy, which you wish to share with the people you are in contact with today. When you are with a group or before the public under this influence, you are able to establish a good rapport. This is a good time for making any kind of public presentation. Friends, especially female friends, are important to you at this time. You have the ability to sit with them, listen to their troubles and offer a sympathetic ear, as well as good advice.
Transit selected for today (by user):
Moon Sextile Moon exact at 21:23
activity period from 19 November 2006 to 20 November 2006.

**Uranus Trine Ascendant activity period from beginning of June 2005 until end of January 2007.  Theme: Transient relationships***
Valid during many months: This is a time of increased freedom in and through your personal relationships. You are able to express yourself to others in ways that have never before been possible for you. This may take the form of a new interest or hobby or a new field of study. You may be attracted to technical and scientific subjects, as well as to occult studies such as astrology.
You respond much more quickly to people around you now and generally give the impression of being more alive and willing to challenge life, and you are. You may also seem somewhat impulsive and perhaps a bit nervous, but most people will not find you upsetting.
Sudden new contacts with others may provide opportunities to branch out and do things that you have never done before. You may have a chance to travel, for example, or to take up some completely new activity. Your old way of life no longer interests you, and if someone tries to convince you to keep to your old ways, you just get bored.
New relationships may begin now that challenge you creatively, but they may not last longer than this influence, so it is well not to make any permanent commitment until later. Even though the relationships may be transient, they will have a liberating effect upon you and increase your capacity to experience life. Often the other person will act as a “guru,” that is, he or she will open up spiritual dimensions that you have never experienced before. However, do not expect this person to come in standard guru clothing. It could be anyone, and very often he or she will not look at all like the conventional notion of a spiritual teacher. Enlightenment takes as many forms as there are teachers and students.

Jimmy Johnson, born 17 September 1975
Saturn Opposition Moon
activity period from end of October 2006 until end of July 2007.

Theme: An emotional trial
*** Valid during many months: This is one of the most emotionally trying influences. It is frequently associated with domestic or professional problems, emotional depression, loneliness, difficulties with women or difficulties with personal relationships, often leading to breakups.
This influence represents an “alienation crisis,” that is, a crisis brought about by the discovery that you have been neglecting your emotional and psychological needs. As a result you feel alone and disconnected from others, like an alien in the world whom no one else can ever adequately understand.
To a greater or lesser extent, everyone’s life revolves around an overall task or purpose that makes one’s life unique. The purpose may be a job, motherhood, fatherhood, some movement that you believe in or anything else that gives you a sense of purpose. Often an alienation crisis occurs when you discover that you have gone too far too fast in pursuit of your life purpose and have neglected your psychological and emotional needs. Perhaps you have neglected your relationships or your domestic life, or you have repressed your feelings. In this way you build up a wall between yourself and others, which makes you feel alone and alienated.
You must make your personal life and your profession or other central purpose work together. That will require changing your lifestyle so that you can pay equal attention to both.

Moon in the 12th House 12 exact at 02:31
activity period from 19 November 2006 to 21 November 2006. 

Theme: Maybe not all that bad
At this time you may be tempted to withdraw and keep your feelings secret, especially if you are at all insecure about your inner self. Perhaps you, like many people, have always felt that if others really knew you, they wouldn’t like you. So you keep your entire emotional life secret. But whatever you hide from others, you will also hide from yourself. And whatever you hide from yourself can control you without your being aware of it. This is a time when your unconscious attitudes and fears can be very difficult. You need to communicate your deep inner feelings to another person, preferably someone you can trust. Probably you will not feel much like socializing now. And in fact it is a good time to be alone and face any aspect of yourself that you are reluctant to face. It is probably not really all that bad.

Moon Sextile Med.Coeli exact at 07:58
activity period from 19 November 2006 to 20 November 2006.

Theme:Intense feelings
Weak, transient effect: This influence normally indicates a few hours of unusually intense feelings. This morning you will have a strong desire to know yourself and to experience life largely through the emotion. This is probably not the best time for work that requires a completely clear and dispassionate state of consciousness, but you will not feel like doing that kind of work anyway. You will want to engage your emotions in whatever you do, and you will experience a richness of feeling and inner life that is satisfying in itself. This influence is good for any business matters concerning the general public or for any situation in which you have to appear before the public or a large group. Otherwise it is not an influence that stimulates drive and ambition.

The very telling aspect went into affect the first of Nov.?

Mars in the 12th House
activity period from beginning of November 2006 until beginning of December 2006.

Theme: Self-defense*
Valid during several weeks: Past behavior patterns that have become completely unconscious now become active and come into play without your knowing it. Your efforts at self-assertion are undermined by these behavior patterns that you are not even aware of. And unfortunately the people who are alienated by these actions probably will not come out and say so, but will work behind the scenes to block your efforts. The only way you can counter this effect is to become completely conscious of yourself and these little self-defeating acts. If you feel emotionally upset as you often will during this time, refrain from any kind of significant confrontation with others. Instead, confront yourself. It is best at this time to work alone as much as possible.

In case you did not see Jimmie Johnson’s scope earlier this week, you can read it here.

Yes… I am sticking my neck out here. I believe J.J. may get a DNF. Something not too good is going to happen anyway.

I think the Chase will come down to a very close Kenseth ( Kenseth winning) and Harvick finish with Jr. and Denny right behind. Tony will get rid of Jeff Gordon so he can’t help J.J. and then rush to help Denny and Jr.
Yup that’s what I think…
Tally Ho!
Onward Lug Nutz!! Enjoy!!

NASCAR Homestead Astro-Predictions-Kevin Harvick

Kevin Harvick, born 8 December 1975
**Note this Long Term influence
Pluto Opposition Mars activity period from end of December 2005 until middle of October 2007.
Theme: A roughshod ride

Valid during many months: This can be a very powerful but somewhat difficult influence to handle, because the energies are so intense that harnessing them creatively may be a problem. But it is not impossible. The difficulty is that your own or someone else’s ego energies and will to dominate are running rampant in your life. If they are someone else’s energies, the ultimate purpose is to test the security of your own ego. You will feel great tensions with the people in your life and possibly have serious flare-ups. First of all, you have to recognize that you have a very strong drive to win, to succeed and, if necessary, to exercise dominion over others in your drive to succeed. These feelings are perfectly all right if you acknowledge them and use them wisely. If you deny them, you will experience tension within yourself with regard to others and not know the source. You will find that people’s actions irritate you greatly and that you are often angry without understanding why. At its worst, the effort to suppress this energy will lead to your becoming the victim of someone else’s energy. This can even lead to violence and injury, so avoid taking any serious risks that could lead to accidents during this time. If, on the other hand, you let the energy out with no restraint, you may run roughshod over everyone in your way and scramble furiously toward the top. But in doing this you are likely to arouse truly horrendous opposition from people who will struggle to the death to prevent you from succeeding. Your actions make it clear to others that you are a threat to them at the deepest psychological or even physical levels of their lives. But you can use this energy to accomplish much work and make great changes around you. Just don’t get so wrapped up in your own ego that you step on everyone else’s toes. Try to incorporate others into your work and make it a group effort as much as possible. If you do this well, others will acknowledge you as the leader anyway.
Chiron Square Uranus activity period from end of January 2006 until middle of December 2006. Theme: Uproar
Valid during many months: A series of sudden and unexpected events will probably strain your nerves to the utmost, making this a difficult time. This is most likely to happen if you have spent the last few years trying to please everyone. Any turmoil in the outside world is merely an indication that you have been seething inside for quite some time. Although it would be understandable if you now felt like packing everything in, this is certainly not the best solution. You will find it hardest to tolerate hypocritical and sanctimonious behavior – whether your own or others’. It is therefore important to clear the air and to honestly consider which aspects of your life reflect your authentic inner nature. This influence will help you to scrutinize your ideals and visions, and to take your leave from those which are no longer relevant to any important decisions you have to make. For example, you might find that a political party or like-minded group of people of which you were once a member has lost its appeal. A clear decision to take all your imperfections seriously, and not to make lazy compromises, can be both healing and liberating, helping to give birth to new things in your life.
Venus Trine Saturn Nov 18-20 Theme: Sobriety and stability

You are satisfied with reliable, stable relationships at this time and do not make unrealistic demands on others. You recognize that your loved ones are human, and you ask only that they live up to their obligations and you will do the same in return. This is a good time to discuss any problems that may have arisen with a relationship, because your sense of reality is strong and you can be objective. Relationships that begin under this influence are characterized by sobriety and stability. They may not be demonstrative, but there is a steadiness of feeling that enables them to survive when others fail. Often such a relationship occurs because of practical rather than romantic considerations, but this does not weaken it.

Moon Trine Ascendant Theme: Belonging

Weak, transient effect: This influence is good for all kinds of relationships in that all your contacts with others this morning are warm and emotional. You do not choose superficial or formal contacts but instead desire to make a personal connection with everyone you meet. At the same time you feel a strong need to protect and nurture those whom you are close to. There is something of the maternal instinct in the way you care for others. You are also very sensitive to people’s emotional needs and wants, which enables you to respond to them at a very deep level of understanding. You will want to feel that you belong to any group that you associate with at this time. Fortunately you will also be able to make others feel that they belong with you. Your emotions are so much closer to the surface of your being that you can see them clearly.

NASCAR Homestead Astro-Predictions Denny Hamlin

Happy Birthday Denny!!

Denny has only these two active aspects today for his daily chart. His long term aspect
are about following his dreams. Obviously those are happening. Denny’s Natal chart shows big promise in life for him. Watch out for the future. This young man is going to do great things. Look where he is at in his life right now. It only get’s better.

Denny Hamlin, born 18 November 1980
Moon Opposition Chiron Theme: No chance **active only on race day
At this time feelings, desires and moods pull you in a direction which is not very
beneficial for you and could easily undermine your self- confidence. It is hard to say
what form this actually takes. Maybe you buy some clothes in which you look a bit
strange, or you challenge someone to a game which you have absolutely no chance of
winning. One way or another you could be subconsciously determined to make yourself a
laughing stock or show yourself up. It is possible that you do this not to yourself
but, unintentionally, to someone else – particularly women and children who are close
to you are potential victims. Fortunately, this influence is very weak and lasts at
most half a day.

Moon Square Ascendant activity period from 18 November 2006 to 19 November 2006. Theme: Wrapped up
Weak, transient effect: This morning your emotions are strong when dealing with others,
which can be either good or bad, depending on how you handle it. On the plus side, it
gives you a great deal of sensitivity toward others. You can feel their moods
immediately and respond to them so that you are able to fit into any group you are
with. You value emotional contacts now, and you project feeling, warmth and concern to
others. But on the negative side, this influence can also signify that you are so
wrapped up in your moods that you can’t get out of yourself and relate to anyone else.
In either case your moods are likely to fluctuate rather rapidly, so do not take your
emotions too seriously at this time. You should make an effort to be with others,
because forcing yourself to relate will bring out the better side of this influence.

NASCAR in Homestead -The Chase Final Astro Predictions-Dale Earnhardt Jr.

Dale Earnhardt Jr., born 10 October 1974

Mars Trine Saturn
Theme: Seeing clearly

This influence confers patience and willingness to do difficult and exacting work. Therefore, this is a good time to do any work that you have to keep on plugging at, even though it isn’t rewarding. If this influence comes during a period that is otherwise difficult, it guarantees that for the moment at least you will be able to cope with your situation, no matter how difficult it becomes. Intellectual or physical work that requires perseverance and great attention to detail is favored by this influence. Also, this influence will help you get to know yourself better. The close attention to detail that characterizes your way of seeing now will help you see yourself and your own reactions very clearly.

Moon Square Moon
Theme: Discordant emotions

Weak, transient effect: This influence, although not long lasting, can provide some moments of difficulty and irritation. Your emotions are discordant, and you may be more inclined to get into disagreements with others. This will probably have the greatest effect in your most personal life and domestic situation. Consequently you should watch out for unnecessary conflicts with loved ones. In a group, you will not feel that your interests are in accord with the others’ interests. It is not a good time to work with people or to make any kind of public appearance, if peace and harmony is your goal. However, if you are trying to stir people up about some issue or call their attention to circumstances that must be dealt with, this influence can be quite helpful, although the others may not appreciate your role in this.

Moon Trine Saturn
Theme: Common-sense answers

Weak, transient effect: Tonight you will keep your emotions under control, not in a repressive, negative manner, but in a way that enables you to take a more sober and realistic view of life. You are able to put up with considerable adversity and strain during this time because it gives you patience and reserve strength. While you are not inclined to talk about your feelings to just anyone, you do not evade them in yourself. You may very well go off by yourself at this time to think about and evaluate your development. If you have a problem, seek out an older person whose wisdom you respect, who can offer emotional support and suggest practical and immediate answers. You need common-sense answers now that can be applied directly.Jr. has several other fleeting aspects on Sunday that I do not believe will affect him at all because the are only for a few minutes and very weak.

All in all, I think Jr. will do well today.

Only in Idaho…

While you are waiting for ‘scope’s, I will share one example of why I perceive the majority of the people who vote, to be morons. Read more here at MSNBC .

Sheesh!! Katrina victims? We need protected from from Katrina Victims??? In Nov. 2006??? Watch out…Ada and Canyon County and every county in Idaho is at risk!! Lock your door and get your guns sighted in. Unbelievable idiocy.
I can’t believe this made National News. Greenleaf’s resident’s are probably even proud of it.
I am embarrassed to be in Idaho, once again. We don’t not grow as many potatoes as we used too. We grow Dumb Ass Potato Heads.
‘Scope’s will be up in a little bit. They will get my mind off this bunch of at least.

Sheesh again!

NASCAR – Jimmie Johnson’s Astro- Prediction for Homestead

Here is Jimmie Johnson’s ‘scope for Homestead. Can he over come this? Good thing he has a fair point spread. I think he may end up with a DNF.

Jimmy Johnson, born 17 September 1975
Saturn Opposition Moon activity period from end of October 2006 until end of July 2007.
Theme: An emotional trial
*** Valid during many months: This is one of the most emotionally trying influences. It is frequently associated with domestic or professional problems, emotional depression, loneliness, difficulties with women or difficulties with personal relationships, often leading to breakups. This influence represents an “alienation crisis,” that is, a crisis brought about by the discovery that you have been neglecting your emotional and psychological needs. As a result you feel alone and disconnected from others, like an alien in the world whom no one else can ever adequately understand. To a greater or lesser extent, everyone’s life revolves around an overall task or purpose that makes one’s life unique. The purpose may be a job, motherhood, fatherhood, some movement that you believe in or anything else that gives you a sense of purpose. Often an alienation crisis occurs when you discover that you have gone too far too fast in pursuit of your life purpose and have neglected your psychological and emotional needs. Perhaps you have neglected your relationships or your domestic life, or you have repressed your feelings. In this way you build up a wall between yourself and others, which makes you feel alone and alienated. You must make your personal life and your profession or other central purpose work together. That will require changing your lifestyle so that you can pay equal attention to both.

Moon in the 12th House 12 exact at 02:31
activity period from 19 November 2006 to 21 November 2006.

Theme: Maybe not all that bad At this time you may be tempted to withdraw and keep your feelings secret, especially if you are at all insecure about your inner self. Perhaps you, like many people, have always felt that if others really knew you, they wouldn’t like you. So you keep your entire emotional life secret. But whatever you hide from others, you will also hide from yourself. And whatever you hide from yourself can control you without your being aware of it. This is a time when your unconscious attitudes and fears can be very difficult. You need to communicate your deep inner feelings to another person, preferably someone you can trust. Probably you will not feel much like socializing now. And in fact it is a good time to be alone and face any aspect of yourself that you are reluctant to face. It is probably not really all that bad.

Moon Sextile Med.Coeli exact at 07:58
activity period from 19 November 2006 to 20 November 2006.

Theme:Intense feelings
Weak, transient effect: This influence normally indicates a few hours of unusually intense feelings. This morning you will have a strong desire to know yourself and to experience life largely through the emotion. This is probably not the best time for work that requires a completely clear and dispassionate state of consciousness, but you will not feel like doing that kind of work anyway. You will want to engage your emotions in whatever you do, and you will experience a richness of feeling and inner life that is satisfying in itself. This influence is good for any business matters concerning the general public or for any situation in which you have to appear before the public or a large group. Otherwise it is not an influence that stimulates drive and ambition.

This very telling aspect went into affect the first of Nov.
Mars in the 12th House
activity period from beginning of November 2006 until beginning of December 2006.

Theme: Self-defense* Valid during several weeks: Past behavior patterns that have become completely unconscious now become active and come into play without your knowing it. Your efforts at self-assertion are undermined by these behavior patterns that you are not even aware of. And unfortunately the people who are alienated by these actions probably will not come out and say so, but will work behind the scenes to block your efforts. The only way you can counter this effect is to become completely conscious of yourself and these little self-defeating acts. If you feel emotionally upset as you often will during this time, refrain from any kind of significant confrontation with others. Instead, confront yourself. It is best at this time to work alone as much as possible.

Jimmy is hosting a special call-in edition of his weekly XM Satellite Radio show today
You can talk to Jimmie and Marty Smith during the show at
866-250-8535. Jimmie and Marty will also be answering e-mails sent to
Should we tell him his ‘scope is lousy? No?? Yes?? Do you think it would influence his thoughts and make him worry about it….therefore creating a “loser” mindset? OR…??
Do you think it will make him more determined to “overcome adversity”?
You know how the team is about that. If he wins at Homestead it would be overcoming adversity alright.
It would be a Miracle.
But….if anyone can do it, J.J. and Chad can. I will post Chad’s ‘scope later today.

Onward Lug Nutz!!
Tally Ho!!

NASCAR Numerology

I got to thinking last night about some of the numerology and timing of Matt Kenseth being #17 and 17 points out at the beginning of the race in Phoenix yesterday. That led me to take a look at quite a few numbers, stats and dates. There are a lot of 8’s coming up this weekend…The site in the above link is pretty cool.

Traits:executive, professional, strength, money PROBLEM SOLVER, organizer, achiever, judgment
The number 8 symbolizes the principle of domination, control, and achievement. It is the executive decision-maker. The 8 tends to be rather formal, stern, and hard-headed. More comfortable in the realm of material, tangible facts, the 8 will be truly exceptional as soon as it develops its spiritual connection and intuition. A natural leader with a good grasp of how to accomplish any goal, it must learn compassion.
Gifts: Decisiveness, courage, focus, delegation
Challenges: Belligerence, manipulation, anger, judgment
Personal Goal: To exercise control over environment, to achieve power and status
Fears: Loss of prestige, being at the mercy of circumstances or of others less capable
Succeeds as: Any type of professional, business owner, publisher, contractor, engineer, financial analyst, judge*******************
There are 3 double-digit numbers that, while they are rooted in the single-digit numbers, require special emphasis and attention. These are 11, 22, and 33.
They are called Master numbers because they possess more potential than other numbers. They are highly charged, difficult to handle, and require time, maturity, and great effort to integrate into one’s personality.
Traits:artist, celebrity, highly energized INSPIRATION, psychological, radical, sensitive
The number 11 symbolizes the principle of enlightenment. It colors everything with drama, a visionary outlook, artistic sensitivity, and a sparkling quality. It is not truly practical, but its contribution is its unique perspective and philosophy which instigates new consciousness. Its energy is very high-strung, intense, mercurial, polarized (off an on), and subtle.
Gifts: Revealing higher truths, transformation, poetic interpretation, romance
Challenges: Illusion, isolation, allergies, over-stimulation
Personal Goal: Living the dream
Fears: Drudgery, restriction, ugliness, boredom
Succeeds as: Media star, poet, inventor, psychologist, minister, designer, society figure, beauty queen, occultist

No. I won’t tell you who I believe will win. Yet. Take a look yourself, around here and around the other NASCAR blogs. The answer is out there somewhere in the blogosphere.
Thanks to The Big Lead for the shout!!
** By the way:
Hope all you other Blogger Blogger’s are aware that Blogger will be down for several hours this evening. If your going to post, post. It will save you some frustration later….

“en wid dat s/he skip out des ez lively as a cricket” Uncle Remus

I just read a post at Dustin’s where he had a blog thief. I decided I better see if anyone decided to try to steal me again. I am still searching but I did this post about me I had forgotton about. I found it earlier this summer…**snicker**
Awful blogs
I kept the old ugly template on purpose because of that guy. Denise has been waiting for me now for months…to add that Moodswing Creations button to my blog.

Kevin Harvick wins in Phoenix!!

Wow!! What a great race! Congrats to Kevin Harvick for the Sweep!! As I said…he was going to be”in tune”. His aspects were in absolute perfect alignment for him to win, even tho he had near battery failure and even had to be pushed to restart the last 3 laps of the race. I think that car kept going off pure Harvick energies.

Now…let’s talk about the rest of the race. Astrologically speaking. Did I tell you Jimmy and Chad’s scope’s were about as perfect as they might be able to be? There could have been no greater aspects for Jimmy **(yes… I know I always spell Jimmie wrong, I do it on purpose. Don’t send me 500 mean emails because I do it. I am not being mean. It’s faked Typoneese. Typoneese is the Official Prayer Language of The Church of the Great Oval.) and Chad today. They once again, overcame adversity with a tremendous show of skill and finesse. J.J. drove with absolute beauty. He now needs only to finish 12th at Homestead to take The Championship. Can he keep up this momentum? Will J.J. and Chad’s aspects continue to be complimentary?

Jr.’s aspects were right on. He made the top 5. He is still capable of winning The Chase. He has come so far this year. His Dad would be right proud of that boy. No. I am wrong. His Dad would very proud of Dale Jr. the Man.

Matt Kenseth’s aspect’s are right on, tho I don’t think he realizes it. The race started today with the #17, 17 points out. Interesting numerology. He has had some issues…but look where he is.

Denny’s aspects were right on. He is in and capable of winning.

Jeff Gordon did have a run in with someone who had similar inclinations. Now he’s out of the Chase. Karma? Maybe. Who owns J.J.’s car??
Carl did show a bit of temper. I am actually glad to see him not trying to be perfect Mr. Smiley this year.
Tony? Well, NBC didn’t say much about Tony but I imagine he wasn’t singing

Mark Martin did well. I am so happy for him. He needed the lift. Jeff Burton? Well? Do you think I was right…or wrong?
Ryan Newman is very well aware…Good Job Ryan. I hate to hear that Ryan may lose Matt Borland as his CC but family is important. Good call Matt.
The Elder Alien? I think his marriage has turned him into a part-time Earthling. Who woulda thunk this time last year that he would be an Honorary Deputy? (**Did anyone else catch his interaction with Eva today? That was very telling. The man is head over heels in love and so is she. Sweet…)

I Wonder if Brian France will be an Honorary Police Officer this time next year?

So…we move into the
Big Week.

Yes… I have done the ‘scopes for Homestead…and NO! I won’t tell you what they say… Right now anyway. I have a few wagers to make. If anyone will win anything on this, it will be ME. Well… I take that back. There is another NASCAR Blogger who, if I am wrong will win something. He/She isn’t talking tho. I will be sharing with the founding members of The Church of the Great Oval early. I will hint at it all week on the Blog (s?)…I have discussed it here and there…in the past…and recently. We can make it a Quest… like the Davinci Code. No Hex. Dawg. Think he is listening? Go Jr.!!
Think Platinum….like my #1 #88 fan is still digging, to make me rich.

Onward Lug Nutz!!
Tally Ho!!
Drive with his left foot!!

Tony Stewart in Phoenix

NASCAR Chase for the Championship in Phoenix Astro-Predictions

WOW!! With 2 races left in The Chase, there are some very exciting aspects for the race this weekend…here are the ‘scope’s for the Driver’s that are still mathematically eligible for the Chase and another interesting ‘scope or two.

Congrats to Matt Kenseth for winning the Busch Race today.

Jimmy Johnson, born 17 September 1975
Venus Square Moon
This influence usually creates an amorous mood, making you want to relate to another person. But there are some problems, too, with this influence. If you are jealous and possessive of your partner, it may produce feelings of love that are suffocating to her. Recognize that even the closest relationship needs room to breathe, and avoid being overprotective and smothering. Your partner needs a lover, not a father! However, you will encounter this problem only if you already tend to be possessive in love. This type of emotion has a positive side also, for it can be transmuted into a very warm, protective kind of love that nourishes and supports a lover. In itself the emotion is neither good nor bad; it just has to find an appropriate outlet.
Venus Sextile Sun
**Theme: Personal advancement
This is an excellent influence for all kinds of group activity and for being with friends. You feel unusually sociable, and people will enjoy your company. Friends may be of considerable benefit to you today. You should certainly seek out other people, and if you need a favor from someone, this would be a good time to ask. This influence is extremely good for any interview in which you must make a good impression. By chance, you may make a new friend in the course of your everyday activities. The familiar setting in which you meet will set the tone of the entire relationship, a tone of easy familiarity and friendliness. This influence is also likely to provide opportunities for personal advancement as a result of the favorable impression that you have made.

**Chad Knaus, born 5 August 1971 Theme: Boundless enthusiasm!
Valid during several days: This is a time of increased optimism and self- confidence. You feel capable of doing much more than you have ever done, and you are willing to make the effort. This influence quite often signifies professional success, and you may receive a promotion of some kind. Others will look to you for leadership, for they recognize your self-confidence and see that you deserve it.
You have a good idea about where you want to go at this time, and you have probably mastered the techniques and skills needed to get there and have acquired the material resources as well. Under this influence you may gain financially, but you are not likely to squander your money. You will use it to get ahead.
If you are in business for yourself, you may want to expand your business during this time, and you may have an opportunity to do so. You may want to make improvements in your home or move to a larger and more spacious one.

Jeff Gordon, born 4 August 1971 (**I posted Jeff’s ‘scope from the 5th to the 15th on Wed. If you missed it click here.)
Theme:Mental activity
Valid during several weeks: This influence indicates a day of busy mental activity and many communications with others. You will be busier than usual with letter writing, paper work and group conferences, which should run smoothly, although under certain circumstances there could be problems. Be especially careful not to speak or otherwise communicate from purely egotistic motives. Make your point and let it go at that, because chances are your statement will have enough energy to be effective without making a controversy of it. If you do turn it into a controversy, you will encounter opposition from people who are similarly inclined, and communication will grind to a halt. Do not try to defend any ideas that are clearly shown to be invalid.

Dale Earnhardt Jr., born 10 October 1974
Theme:An adequate chance
This morning you have the capacity to work either with others or alone. If you work with others you will have to have a lot of independence or some kind of leadership role in order to feel that you have been given an adequate chance. Probably you will get that chance. You have a much greater desire than usual to take the initiative and much stronger feelings of courage and self-reliance. In working with others, you will be able to give them the feeling that your aims are theirs, so that they will work with you more willingly. If you have to defend your point of view when challenged, you will not back down but will argue your case with vigor and passion. Others will respect you for this even when they do not agree. You do not feel any need to make unwarranted attacks in order to maintain yourself.

Matt Kenseth, born 10 March 1972
Theme: Calm and foresight
Now you experience a time of balance and equilibrium in your life, when you can be yourself with the fewest obstacles from people or circumstances. Various affairs in your life will hum along very nicely now, and you may be tempted to think that they will always go this well. But in fact this is the time to firm up your affairs and make sure that they are strong enough to withstand troubles that may come later on. You should examine those matters that clearly have not worked out. By now you should have made new beginnings in these areas, so you can tell how your new tack is working out.
Now Matt’s Moon is Square Mars which can be a little disruptive… just for a short while in the morning.

Theme:Letting off steam
Weak, transient effect: Today during the day there is a real danger of needless disputes, irritability, emotionalism, rash action and hastiness, which may result in harm or inconvenience later. You will find it difficult to handle other people for awhile. One of the challenges now is to successfully let off steam without making an unnecessary shambles. If you frequently feel somewhat discouraged about yourself, you should be especially careful with this influence. You may see everything that comes your way as a threat and react much too defensively. If you have a bolder and more self-confident temperament, you may be inclined to act too quickly, to be hasty and overcritical of others. Or you may be accident prone. With this influence, you are not as careful as you should be, and you might hurt yourself.
If you remember…Elliot Sadler had this same aspect for a few minutes when he jumped off the stage into the crowd and uh…biffed. Ouch.
This morning this influence gives you a pleasant feeling of restlessness, a desire for excitement but not to the point of disruption. You may feel like shaking up the people around you and jolting them out of their seeming lethargy. Or if you are not conscious of this desire in yourself, you may attract someone who shakes you up. Under any circumstances you want to be with exciting and stimulating companions. In your home and other close surroundings you are not willing to accept the same old situation. You may try to find ways to change your circumstances or at least provide some temporary excitement. It is possible that you will meet a new and exciting friend today, or an old friend will come back into your life unexpectedly. Friends may provide opportunities for advancement or for getting away from your usual scene for awhile.

Kevin Harvick, born 8 December 1975
Moon in the 6th House
Theme: Making yourself clear
Valid during several weeks: This influence is generally good for the flow of ideas and communication between you and others. You are intellectually alive, curious and willing to learn. This is a good day to attend a lecture or a class in some subject. You are willing to have people challenge your ideas and thereby broaden your thinking. At the same time you are happy to share your insights on any subject. Thus all interchange with others today should be fruitful and expansive, both for yourself and for the people you meet. Travel is sometimes indicated by this influence, although usually not over long distances. In the course of daily business you may cover a lot more ground than usual. This is a good day for conferences and negotiations in which it is important to make yourself clear to others.

Moon Trine Med.Coeli
Theme: In tune
Weak, transient effect: This morning your personal needs and career needs are balanced, and there will not be as much tension between them as at other times. Also your emotions are in tune with your intentions so that you can go about your business with complete oneness. There is less of the feeling that two sides of you are struggling for mastery over the whole. Under this influence you have a great ability to relate to others on an emotional level, because you feel your emotions so richly yourself. You are sensitive to others’ needs, and you understand how you can use their moods and sensitivities for positive ends. On the other hand, you may choose to retire into your own personal world. The richness of feeling and emotion that this time brings may make you feel like being alone or with only your closest loved ones.

Moon Trine Mercury
Theme: In equilibrium
Today during the day you are in touch with your feelings to an unusual extent and are more able to express them to others. You probably lack the psychological tension that usually drives people to talk about their feelings, but you can listen most sympathetically to other people’s problems now. The insight into your own feelings and the psychological equilibrium that you have now may enable you to offer effective help to others. This influence also signifies a state of balance between your feelings and your rational intellect. That is, you are able to think with great emotional sensitivity but still remain logical in your thought processes. Communications with women will be easy and quite favorable at this time, regardless of your own sex. And encounters with women may be quite informative in a positive way.

Moon Opposition Moon
Tonight your moods are quite deep and your emotions powerful. If you are aware, all your contacts at this time will show you how your emotional state affects other people. This can be either good or bad, but the growth in consciousness is usually very beneficial. One problem with this influence, however, is that you find it difficult to see any point of view but your own. Also, in dealings with a group there is a danger that you will feel that your own interests and desires are opposed to theirs, thus creating more potential for disagreement. You must learn to detach yourself somewhat in order to observe your feelings in action. Otherwise you will not be able afterwards to evaluate what you saw.

Denny Hamlin, born 18 November 1980
Venus in the 10th House
Theme:Dreams that come true
Valid during several weeks: This influence can be useful in many ways. It creates favorable circumstances in your business and professional life, attracting persons and circumstances that facilitate your work. People in authority are favorably inclined toward you, and most relationships in your professional life will run smoothly. It is apparent to everyone that you are primarily interested in working harmoniously with others, and they respond by being agreeable. Regardless of what you do for a living, this influence may involve you temporarily in artistic matters, such as design, layout work, office redecorating, even public relations for the purpose of making the company look more attractive. All such activities should go smoothly at this time.
This influence will bring forth your innermost subconscious fantasies. Today during the day you may spend considerable time daydreaming and not accomplish very much, but you will probably feel that it has been worth it. Dreams can be very refreshing to the spirit. At times we all need to withdraw a bit from the real world and encounter our inner selves. Now you have great sympathy for others. You are able to put yourself in their place and know exactly how you would feel in such a situation. You want to help others, with little thought of any benefit to yourself. This is one of those influences that makes you truly selfless, not merely in appearance. You may work to help people whom you consider less fortunate than yourself. There is often a strong interest in psychic or spiritual subjects under this influence.

Moon Trine Neptune
Theme:Truly selfless
This influence will bring forth your innermost subconscious fantasies. Today during the day you may spend considerable time daydreaming and not accomplish very much, but you will probably feel that it has been worth it. Dreams can be very refreshing to the spirit. At times we all need to withdraw a bit from the real world and encounter our inner selves. Now you have great sympathy for others. You are able to put yourself in their place and know exactly how you would feel in such a situation. You want to help others, with little thought of any benefit to yourself. This is one of those influences that makes you truly selfless, not merely in appearance. You may work to help people whom you consider less fortunate than yourself. There is often a strong interest in psychic or spiritual subjects under this influence.

Jeff Burton, born 29 June 1967
Moon Conjunction Jupiter
Theme: Heart over mind
This influence usually denotes a brief period of good feelings and generosity toward others. Today during the day you feel that everything is all right, and you have nothing to fear. You express your self-confidence by being above petty irritations. Not easily angered, you tolerate even the most harsh behavior from other people. But you probably won’t have to contend with “harsh behavior,” because the energy of this influence does not arouse it in those around you. You will get what you give – kindness, friendship and nurturing support. This influence can also awaken your concern for the deeper aspects of life. You may seek metaphysical and spiritual insights, but with your heart rather than your mind. Rational knowledge is not likely to satisfy you at this time.

Here are a couple of other little aspects of interest.

**Ryan! Be cool Buddy!

Ryan Newman, born 8 December 1977
Moon Square Uranus at Exactly 00:52AM ( It’s going to be a rough day Ryan. If anyone can keep his cool spiritually and overcome these influences to the best of his ability…it’s you. Go Rocketman. Rise above all this…)
Theme:A bit wild
Weak, transient effect: This morning the quality of time arouses an independent and rebellious spirit in you. You are inclined to do exactly the opposite of what someone suggests and to reject whatever others say simply because they said it. For the same reasons you are impatient with restraints, duties and responsibilities. There is a great need to be free and to do something very different, maybe even a little bit wild. You have a strong craving for excitement with this influence, and you may act in ways that you would never consider in a more sober mood. This could be either good or bad, of course, depending on how conservative you usually are and how unusual or outrageous the action. For some people this can be a very liberating influence. For others it is a bit too much.

Moon in the 7th House
Theme:Emotional confrontations
During this time you turn your attention to your most personal relationships, in which you express yourself in a much more emotional manner than usual. This influence will affect a marriage, relationships with opponents, or any other inherently emotional confrontation. Loved ones and partners are much more important to you than usual, for they provide you with a feeling of security and support. And to be fair, you have the same interest in proving these elements for your loved ones. But if you are in a negative emotional state now, this influence will tend to make you excessively jealous and possessive, or you may act unconsciously or automatically with your loved ones. Confrontations with women, both positive and negative, are likely to be more intense that those with men.

Sun Square Ascendant
Theme:Needless conflict
Today you will display a great deal of energy in your dealings with other people. However, the problem lies in how you use that energy, for you may try to dominate others. Or you may encounter others who try to dominate you. Do not be so concerned with your own desires that your actions are out of harmony with the people around you. Do not be so willful that you actually get in the way of your own intentions. This influence can help you, because it enables you to make your mark on the people around you, so that they accept you and let you lead or help lead them. But you must be sure that you are right and that others really are willing to accept your leadership. Otherwise you will only create needless conflict that will bring you nothing.

Mercury Square Mars
Theme:Touchy and irritable
Valid during several weeks: This influence can be quite difficult. You are inclined to feel touchy and irritable and to regard almost any communication from another person as a challenge. And you will make this attitude so clear to people that they may even tread lightly around you for fear of setting you off. Anyone who crosses you will be told off in no uncertain terms. The worst way to handle this influence, but what you are most likely to do, is to identify your own ego with what you believe or think. This will make you act as if your very life were threatened, which of course it is not. If you have to fight for your beliefs, this influence can be a help, but don’t look for a battle or create an issue where none exists.

Moon Square Moon
Theme: Discordant emotions
Weak, transient effect: This influence, although not long lasting, can provide some moments of difficulty and irritation. Your emotions are discordant, and you may be more inclined to get into disagreements with others. This will probably have the greatest effect in your most personal life and domestic situation. Consequently you should watch out for unnecessary conflicts with loved ones. In a group, you will not feel that your interests are in accord with the others’ interests. It is not a good time to work with people or to make any kind of public appearance, if peace and harmony is your goal. However, if you are trying to stir people up about some issue or call their attention to circumstances that must be dealt with, this influence can be quite helpful, although the others may not appreciate your role in this.

Moon Opposition Ascendant
Weak, transient effect: Today during the day your closest contacts will take on a more emotional tone. You will be able to communicate your feelings more easily to your partner , a close working colleague or anyone else whom you encounter on an intimate level. Although the effects of this influence are not very difficult to deal with, you should be aware that you are likely to be so emotional and subjective in your relations with others that you may have difficulty seeing someone else’s point of view. However, this influence favors situations in which you have to be sensitive to another’s feelings or in which someone else has to be sensitive to yours. In your contacts with others you will seek warmth, support and nurture, and you will be equally capable of giving these to others when necessary.

Moon Sextile Pluto
Weak, transient effect: This morning you desire experience at a very profound level and do not like superficial encounters. With friends and loved ones you seek the true meaning of your feelings for each other. Under this influence, deep-rooted feelings in a relationship are often brought to the surface. This has a therapeutic effect on most relationships, for it releases hidden energies that may be weakening the ties between you. During this time you should be careful not to set an objective for yourself and then become so obsessed by it that you lose track of everything else. Even this rather mild influence can result in a one-track mind and compulsive behavior. If this happens, it is a sign that hidden in this compulsion is a psychological energy that you should try to understand, because it could control some part of your life.

**Mark Martin, born 9 January 1959
Theme: One word leads to another
There could well be a very painful argument if you react in an unconsidered manner at this time. Without warning one word leads to another until you suddenly show yourself to be hard and hostile in order to cover up one of your own weaknesses. In this way you can hurt your partner, a friend, or someone else to whom you are close, so that you greatly reproach yourself afterwards. That is why it is important at this time to be careful during all interactions with people who are close to you. If you remain aware of your feelings and reactions during all personal contacts, you will certainly recognize the situation described above – before it occurs.

Moon Conjunction Uranus
Theme:”Something different”
Weak, transient effect: This morning you feel impulsive and willing to act rashly. Your moods change so quickly that you surprise yourself as well as others. You may be with someone else who is like this, usually a woman. Probably you will be impatient with your normal routine and want to do something completely different. Assuming that the “something different” is within reason, it is probably all right to go ahead. In fact you might as well not bother trying to be disciplined and responsible for the next few hours. If you have work to do that requires great concentration, you won’t be able to keep your mind on it, or you will do a sloppy job. Usually this is not a sign of conflict, but if someone is trying to hold you back from expressing your impulses, you may get angry at him or her.

Carl Edwards also has the same aspect that Ryan Newman has in his chart:

Carl Edwards, born 15 August 1979
Moon Square Chiron
Theme:Attention, Children!
At this time you have to deal with your own hurt feelings – either you are reminded of old wounds by some incident, or a sore point is disturbed again. Maybe you feel a little weak and are conscious of a certain aversion to handling the usual everyday interchanges – a feeling as if you were coming down with flu. If you now have the need to be alone, then that is what you should really do. If you make too many demands on yourself or if you are not left in peace, you may become hurtful to others – for example, your children if you are a parent – as a result of a certain indifference. Fortunately, this influence lasts at most half a day.

I have an idea. You and Ryan just stay away from each other, ok? Stay away from Kurt Busch. He has the aspect also. You two might also want to stay away from Tony.
*He’s already been griping about how this track is “ruined”.

Tony Stewart, born 20 May 1971
Sun in the 4th House
Theme:An inward glimpse
Valid during several weeks: At this time you focus your concerns upon your most intimate personal life and the people who affect it most, your family and parents. You will want to be in familiar surroundings now and feel that you have some kind of center or place where you can build a solid base for your activities. For most people this means a home. Although you should continue to live up to the demands of the outer world, because your personal life is interdependent with it, you should focus most of your attention inward. Not only inward to your personal life, but also inward in a psychological sense. If necessary, go off by yourself and spend time in contemplation or meditation. Events that occurred in the past may come back to you now through memories and through consequences of those events that continue to affect you now.

Moon in the 1st House
Theme: Your emotional sensors
This is a two-day period when personal and subjective considerations will override everything else, but it need not be difficult. First of all, you feel a great need to belong and to relate to your friends or loved ones. This need turns on your emotional sensors and makes you very sensitive to the feelings and moods of the people around you, because you want to fall in with their rhythms and become sympathetic with them. This is the unconscious sign of relating to a group. Thus you are emotionally right there whenever someone needs your sympathy, warmth and understanding. You are very concerned about yourself, which is fine, but don’t distort this into a state of mind in which you cannot see anybody else’s point of view. Objectivity, especially in dealing with others, may be difficult to come by now.

Moon Square Med.Coeli
Theme:Changing moods
Weak, transient effect: Today during the day you experience rapidly changing moods, which may interfere with clear perception of your goals, especially if your goals have been set without much regard for your personal needs. If your goals are purely professional or make excessive demands on your personal and domestic life, this time will be somewhat disruptive. You may feel dissatisfied with your progress, or you may feel that no matter how much you accomplish, there is always something lacking. This influence sometimes signifies tensions in your domestic life. If you have handled this matter well, you should encounter the more positive side of this influence and be able to go about your business with a remarkable sense of wholeness. You will feel that your activities are satisfying, both professionally and personally.

Moon Conjunction Ascendant
Theme:Conditioned by habit
Weak, transient effect: Tonight you will feel much more emotional than usual. This, of course, can be either good or bad, depending upon how you normally relate to you emotions. If you are ill at ease with your feelings, you will not consciously be aware of them. But you will relate to people in automatic ways, conditioned by habit. You will respond unconsciously to small cues put out by other persons that neither you nor they are aware of. The problem here is that you are unable to see each new moment and person afresh. On the other hand, if you can handle the emotions that are aroused, you will be able to relate to others with great feeling and empathy. This influence is excellent for occasions when you and another person must relate at a very deep, intense level.

As above, so always.

…And so Lug Nutz, off we go to Phoenix for some slip sliding serious driving!
Tally Ho!!


I received an email inquiring if I knew anything about an ESPN article about Tony Stewart that was published last year. I felt at the time the article came out, it was a bit harsh and refused to feed or call anymore attention to the negativity surrounding the Home Depot boycott. It’s old stuff now but it is insightful. It exemplifies how much Tony has grown and matured. The story shows the hu-Man Tony.

I had also forgotten about how Mike Wallace had influenced Tony. I cried all over again, both in compassion and respect for Mike Wallace. We need to all remember our own humanness a little more these days and times. We all forget who and what we are at times. We all have ups and downs in our lives. We all have pain. We all have a skeleton or two in our closet we would rather not remember. We all need to keep growing, living and loving. Making peace with our past is important.

I confess I have been feeling pretty sorry for myself lately. Having a pity party. Being so dependent on others SUCKS. It also is bringing out a lot of life lessons. Some new personal insights to the way my own psyche works. I am a lot more controlling and demanding than I realized. My expectations of others may, at times, be a bit, uh…Unrealistic. I owe my husband an apology. He is not the one that has been the jerk. He is only reacting to the one who has been the real jerk. Me. I am sorry Honey.

Here it is Ray, and any of you that missed it. Thanks for bringing it to my attention again. I needed to read it.

Chewing ’em up – From ESPN The Magazine
by: Tom Friend

To the fools boycotting Home Depot:
Tony Stewart got your angry e-mails. He didn’t read them – he was too busy playing Internet poker – but he knows you want Home Depot to fire him and that you’re not buying any power sanders until that happens, and his answer to you is: “Leave the ears on the dog.”

You obviously have no idea what he means (we’ll get to it later), but the point is, Tony’s finally wising up before he dies. He never planned on living past 30 and even has a hearse parked in his driveway, but as long as he’s still here – four years past 30 – he’s not going to let all your Jeff Gordon and Dale Jr. fans ruin his goddang day.

He used to let you get into his head something awful. You cost him a woman once, a woman he’s still chasing. You used to boo him during driver introductions, or flip him off, and he says he’d take it home with him, that he just couldn’t let it go. He’d throw a TV remote across the living room, just like his daddy used to do, and that’s partly why that woman went running for cover.

But he’s tuning you out now. He ignored you all summer and he’s currently the best stock car driver on earth. He’s so happy, he’s no longer wearing a “NO AUTOGRAPHS” T-shirt to autograph sessions. He’s the talk of NASCAR. The same guy who punched a photographer, who drop-kicked a tape recorder and who grabbed Robby Gordon by the collar is now showing restraint for the first time in his life. You don’t know how hard that is for him, and maybe it’s time you did.

There is so much to talk about. Like the divorce and the claustrophobia and the job driving the tow truck. Like the attempted murder charge and the wreck at Daytona and the death of the baby boy. But it’s probably best to start with his daddy’s sacred backyard garage in Columbus, Ind., the garage where Tony Stewart got his butt beat for the first time.

Who knows how he ticked off his daddy that day. Probably spilled some motor oil. But he got paddled on the backside to the point where he wanted to cry. But lord no, he was not about to cry. In front of Nelson Stewart? Hell no. He buzzed straight to his bedroom instead, and when his daddy walked by a minute later, all Nelson heard was the foul mouth of his only son. Goddamn, sonofabitch, sh–! Goddamn, sonofabitch, sh–! Goddamn, sonofabitch, sh–! Tony Stewart was 4 years old.

TO THE father who raised Tony Stewart:
You meant well, but you did more damage than you know. Like the time Tony was 11 and you yanked him out of his go-kart by the collar because he didn’t win a race. Or the time he lost another race and you tossed every wrench in the toolbox. Or the times you’d throw a tantrum and hide in the garage for hours on end, burying your self inside Tony’s go-karts.

“Nelson was living vicariously through Tony,” says Mark Dismore, a family friend. “Tony was driving the race car but Nelson was hanging onto the fence, making every move for him in his mind.”

We understand you had a rough life, Nelson. You raced cars as a kid yourself, and your father threatened to kick you out of the house because of it. You worked your way through college, which is why you spent 10 years at Purdue. You made do as a high school shop teacher, but it all hardened you. You cussed a ton. When your wife, Pam, got pregnant with Tony, you bet your co-workers you’d never change a diaper. You won.

Then there was the accident. Six months before Tony was born, you saw a car veer off a country road into a ravine and you rushed to pry the driver free. But just as you reached the door handle, the car exploded. You were burned over 41% of your body; your arms and the backs of you legs got it worst. You were in the hospital for three months, and if you weren’t ornery before, you were now.

People saw you as a hero, and there certainly was no better neighbor than you. If someone needed a new engine, you pointed him toward your garage. You’d even help remodel a friend’s home. To the people of Columbus, you were a good Samaritan. To your own family, you were a bear.

You took Tony racing all over the country. He loved it, until you made him clean the carburetor. He just wanted to be a boy, but you wanted him to be Mario Andretti. You were impossible to miss during races, standing between Turns 1 and 2, pointing to your head and shouting, “Use your brain!” It embarrassed him. “After a lot of races, you’d see me with my head down,” Tony says.

Your son began to act out. Your wife went to a sixth grade PTA meeting and saw a lone desk in the corner. It was Tony’s, the class clown, the hellion. He was always late. Everybody else was on Eastern Standard Time, but he was on Tony Time. He didn’t mow the lawn when you asked him to, so you sold his go-kart, got in his face.

“Hell yea, my dad would vapor lock,” Tony remembers. “But by that time, instead of clubbing me like a baby seal, he’d run to the garage, run to his sanctuary. He’d holler at me for a minute and be gone. He was an unhappy person.”

It all took a toll on your marriage. You and Tony were out of town racing all summer, often leaving Pam and your daughter, Natalie, home alone. One summer, the travel bill came to 15 large. You and Pam started renovating the house but there was no cash to finish. You got a second mortgage just to finance the racing. Tony was 17 when you and Pam separated, and he didn’t take it well. Blamed himself.

“Oh, I know it was me,” Tony says. “They spent every dollar they had on me. Nobody in their right mind would mortgage a house to race go-karts. Of course, it was important to my dad and I did it. But my mother and sister got lost in it all.”

Tony was growing bitter, and it almost got him killed. He’d always been a daredevil riding a bicycle–“It’s a wonder I have any testicles left, as mush as I smashed into my bike rail,” he says — but he was even worse behind a steering wheel, speeding down country roads. At 15, he flipped a car, and the girl in the passenger seat needed back surgery. Two weeks after he got his license, a cop pulled him over in his ’79 Plymouth Volare for going 95 in a 55 zone. Tony went on probation.

The breakup only made him more rebellious. He wrecked both family cars. You forbade him to ride motorcycles, so he promptly went out and bought one. He’d drink beer, then ride the thing 145 mph down the interstate, without a license. That’s when he decided he’d never make it to 30. “I was unsupervised, turned loose,” Tony says. “I was a dart with no feathers.”

Too bad you weren’t around Nelson. You were up the road in your Indianapolis apartment. Tony would come visit you and, to salvage the relationship, you’d try being nice to him. “But suddenly he’d get mad, so I wasn’t buying it,” Tony says. “I was like, ‘That’s not my dad’. He didn’t act natural. It was awkward to be around, so I clocked out.”

At home, Tony began lashing out at his mom and his sister, so Pam kicked him out. He was 18 and all he had was racing. He drifted around the state, from Rushville to Indianapolis, living with race car owners and working god-awful jobs. He drove a tow truck, a wrecker and a NAPA delivery truck. He worked the drive-through at McDonald’s, washed cars and poured cement. But it was always with one condition: his boss had to give him time off to race.

He’d begun to drive the three-quarter midgets, and you didn’t help matters when you joined his pit crew, Nelson. “If I walked the wrong way, my dad would be yelling,” Tony says. His car owner felt the tension and asked Tony to get rid of you. Your son was afraid to break the news, and when he did, you went off. Bad idea. Because you lost him.

Tony flourished without you. He was winning in TQs, sprint cards and Silver Crown cars. But he also raced angry. He locked bumpers with another racer one time, and when Tony slammed the brakes to free his car, the other guy wrecked. Then the guy came out wagging a finger and Tony thought, “You want me, you got me.” Tony drove toward him at about 20 miles an hour –plenty slow enough to avoid — and the guy tried to press charges. For attempted murder. A disorderly conduct charge was dropped, but that was the beginning of Bad Boy Tony.

As soon as he ascended to Indy cars, you hated being out of the loop, Nelson. You took a job with the IRL, pumping gas for Pennzoil, so you could be on Pit Road. Tony actually appreciated that you kept your distance and even bought you a Legends race car. But by 1999, when Joe Gibbs Racing brought Tony full-time to NASCAR, you seemed to be on the outs for good. You still saw your son, but he was in his later 20s by then, living in Charlotte, and he didn’t need you lecturing him for drinking a beer with dinner. He wasn’t 15 anymore. So you were just making him madder.

To the media covering NASCAR:
He needs five minutes. He needs a towel over his head and a cold sip of water and then you can have him. Because otherwise, well…you know all about the photographer.

The heat in that stock car can get ridiculous, as high as 140 degrees. Yes, all drivers deal with it, but not all drivers are claustrophobic like Tony. He noticed it when he was younger, when he walked into a cave where the temperature was 55 degrees and he stared perspiring. He tried scuba driving to overcome it, but it’s no use: sitting in a cramped race car for four hours till gets his blood boiling.

He shoved Robby Gordon in the garage and invited Jeff Gordon into a hauler to settle things. He chased moving cars on foot. He deserved whatever bad press you gave him. He won Rookie of the Year, but he had no one to lean on. What he needed was a mentor, a kindred spirit, and he though he’d found one in Dale Earnhardt Sr.

The Intimidator saw something in him. If Dale liked someone, he screwed with him — and Dale began to screw with Tony. Before one race, he poured bottled water into Tony’s car seat as a practical joke. Some joke. If Tony had sat down, he’d have burned himself. Somebody told Tony that Dale thought $50 bills were bad luck, so Tony — trying to retaliate — walked over with one. But Richard Childress grabbed his arm tight and said, “Don’t do it, son.” And that’s how much Tony respected Dale: he put the 50 back in his pocket.

Of course, Daytona ruined it all. Tony spun out during the 2001 race, sailing like a kite over several cars. He was taken to the ER, and while he was in X-ray, Dale’s gurney came in. Tony heard the doctors working furiously to save him and he called his mother to ask her to pray. You know the rest.

Tony was three months form 30 and thought, “I ain’t gonna live much longer.” He was lost down there in Charlotte and as angry as he’d been during the divorce. He bought an 8,800 square foot mansion on Lake Norman and filled it with four roommates. He thought he needed the company, but it turned into a chaotic frat house. Years before, he had repurchased his childhood home in Columbus, for sentimental reasons, but not he had no time to spend there. He was stuck in your media fish bowl and he wasn’t happy.

He won the Cup title in 2002, but he hit his emotional bottom. You all know his low point: the Brickyard 400. He always tensed up at that track because it was his hometown race, the race his daddy wanted most. And when his car petered out again after he had led for 43 laps, he needed his five minutes to cool off. But he didn’t even get 30 seconds. A photographer sprinted after him, and claustrophobic Tony ran too. When the photographer tried snapping a picture, Tony smacked him. “Tony couldn’t get a grip on his life and he was taking it out on other people,” Pam says. “Just like his dad, he’d blow up.”

He called it the dumbest thing he’d ever done, and you were right to blister him for it. You’d already seen him boot a reporter’s tape recorder and kick a cameraman in the shin. But then, at Sonoma, he chased after Brian Vickers’ car on foot; when Vickers laughed in his face, Tony tried grabbing Vicker’s collar. You saw it coming.

What you didn’t realize is how sensitive Tony is. He felt ashamed. This is the same guy who helps motorists on the side of the road, who sends money to rescue abused dogs, who supports a foundation for chronically ill children, who lends his jet to other drivers for weddings and funerals, who builds playgrounds with his sponsor Home Depot.

Of course, Home Depot couldn’t ignore Tony’s bully act, so the company ordered him to undergo anger-management counseling. He was getting booed at every track and needed an arm around his shoulder. It wasn’t coming from Krista Dwyer, because the couple had broken off their wedding engagement in 1999. And it wasn’t coming from Jaime Shaffer, the woman he was pining for, because he kept bringing his sour mood home with him and they’d just broken up. No, the arm on his shoulder would come from another driver.

Tony barely knew Mike Wallace. But in July 2004, Wallace pulled him aside to say, “I don’t know what’s going on in your life, but whatever’s bothering you ain’t that bad.” And then Wallace told him about Aug. 20, 1984, the day he accidentally ran over and killed his own 2 year old son in the family driveway. Tony couldn’t breathe when he heard that. Couldn’t breathe.

His head was spinning. Last October, his crew chief, Greg Zipadelli, decided it was time for an intervention. He organized a face to face meeting between Tony and his entire crew. Zipadelli wanted Tony to hear their gripes. And sure enough, they let him have it. They didn’t like getting flipped off by fans because of what Tony did on the track. They didn’t like him tearing up the team trailer, throwing things. When Tony asked if they wanted him to resign, they all said no — just change.

He thought about Mike Wallace and about his crew and about all you reporters, and he said, “I’m outta here.”

Tony moved home.

TO THE fools boycotting Home Depot:
Its one thing to be NASCAR’s bad boy, but it’s another to go do something about it. It takes a big man to forgive your daddy and to listen to your crew and resist the urge to email back everyone of you. Don’t forget that.

Indiana was what Tony needed. He sat on his front porch swing with his pet chihuahua, Kayle. He helped watch his sister’s two young children. He started calling Jaime again. But the kid in him never left. He wore his Harley-Davidson jeans. During a snowstorm, he turned off the traction control on his BMW and raced into town, skidding through a red light and getting stopped by a cop. He bought a vacation home just outside of Columbus, and the place smelled like fumes because he and his buddies raced minibikes in the basement. He bought a light-blue hearse–his buddy Sumo thinks it smells like formaldehyde — and had it valet parked at a fancy place, just for the reaction. He plans to put a plasma TV and a wet bar in that hearse and turn it into the finest limo in the Midwest.

He also did what his parents couldn’t afford to do when he was a teen: he finished the house. He painted it in earth tones, had a hot tub installed and a big-screen TV built into the wall. But he also left two rooms — his and his parents’ — exactly the way they were. He wanted life to be the way it was before the divorce. That’s why his mom and sister work for him, and that’s why he asked Nelson a most peculiar question: “Dad, can you make the garage the way it used to be?”

“That garage is where my career started,” Tony says. “That’s the way I remember it and that’s the way I wanted it back.”

Nelson was still Nelson. At 67, he was still racing TQs, and when he was disqualified one night for spinning his car, he threw his helmet, gloves and steering wheel onto the track. Tony called and said, “Now people are gonna realize I didn’t become this bad person overnight, that you taught me how to be that way.” They both laughed, and now Nelson comes right out and says, “I hate to admit it, but he did get his temper form me.” Tony faked smoking a cigarette in front of Nelson one night — “just to see if he would still vapor lock” — but his daddy held it together.

“It’s the best the relationship’s ever been,” says Tony, who’s just heard that Nelson actually changed one of his grandkid’s diapers. “I don’t worry about making him mad now. I don’t worry about feeling like I have to impress him.”

So that’s how the 2005 season started, with Tony’s head on straight. Problem was, through 15 races he wasn’t winning, and he started to seethe. Zipadelli, who’s like a brother to Tony, pulled him aside to say, “You know how you’re driving down the street and you see a stray dog or an injured dog? Well, do you kick the dog? No. You help him. So, if a fan wants your autograph or a driver cuts you off, you don’t kick ’em, either. Leave the ears on the dog.”

It because Zipadelli’s motto. He left notes on Tony’s dashboard: “Leave the ears on the dog.” Or he’d shout it into Tony’s headphones during a race. The team also adjusted the aerodynamics of the No. 20 car, and by late summer Tony had won an unthinkable five of seven races, maybe the most dominant stretch of all time.

He even won at the Brickyard, with Nelson standing between Turns 1 and 2, pointing to his head. It made Tony feel 8 years old again — “I’m not sure that’s a good thing,” Nelson says with a chuckle — and it immediately became the highlight of his career.

But just when it was safe to be on the track again, Tony intentionally bumped into Vickers after a Busch race at Watkins Glen last month and was placed on probation. “Nobody really changes,” Vickers says. “Winning five of seven races will curb your anger a little, but everybody has flaws and Tony’s happens to be his temper. That’s never going to change.”

And that’s why you all started emailing Home Depot again. You want Tony Stewart gone, don’t you? You’re relentless and, actually, a little mean.

You’d probably kick the dog.

Tony’s lack of stress during the Chase has certainly showed in his performance and his attitude. He will probably still come out of the Chase with the highest point standings. He has won the IROC Championship. He is a Champion. Period. Not only in the racing world but a Champion of Life.
My motto these days is “WWTD”.
“What would Tony do?”
He would drive with his left foot, of course.
I think I will try a drive around the block today.

NASCAR Chase Astro Predictions for Phoenix – Jeff Gordon

Congrats to Tony for the TX win!!
Jeff Gordon married yesterday…
Gordo announced his engagement to Ingrid Vandebosch in Sonoma, and then won the Nextel Cup race the next day…could that happen this weekend??
Jeff Gordon, born 4 August 1971
Jupiter Conjunction Jupiter – activity period from Nov. 5th to the 14th.
This influence indicates the beginning of a new cycle of growth and progress. However, it is often the focus of exaggerated expectations. You may expect sudden windfalls, great wealth or luck. and all kinds of wonderful opportunities. And these things do happen sometimes with this influence, but most people should expect more subtle, but equally useful effects. Events now, such as meetings with persons or even changes in your psyche, open the way for you to become wiser and more mature and to have a broader understanding of the world. At this time you will reach out consciously and unconsciously and ask more of the world, but at the same time you are willing to give more to the world.
This influence can make you feel either more demanding or more giving toward others, but you are not likely to get much out of it if you think only of what you can get. The law of conservation of energy in the universe says that you can transform the energies in your life from one form to another, but you cannot create them out of nothing. This influence represents a time when you should see whether you are doing that in your life.
Concretely, you can expect persons who are good for you to come into your life. Or circumstances will arise that give you increased freedom or an opportunity to do something that you have never done before. Educational opportunities may come to you at this time, or a chance to travel. Sometimes this influence does in fact bring about financial advantage, but you should not sit around passively waiting for it to happen. This is an excellent time to invest or expand in business as long as you are very careful not to overdo it or overextend yourself.

Jeff’s ‘scope for the race in Phoenix this weekend is equally interesting. His Moon is in the 11th House, in effect from Nov.13-15.
This influence can signify any one of several different effects. It can indicate a time when emotional contact with friends is very important to you. If you or your friend has something very personal to say, something that touches either of you at a deeper emotional level than usual, this is a good time to say it. Contact between yourself and friends is much deeper than usual now. A related effect of this influence is to bring a female friend or friends into prominence in your life, and in general you should find it easier to get along with them now. In friendships you will probably feel more protective and supportive than usual, or you will attract someone who gives you needed emotional support.

Today is an interesting day in the World, isn’t it? 12 years. Astro cycles are interesting. It was a good day for Mercury to cross the face of the Sun. Glory!! Glory!!
I was wondering tho…if Gordo got married in Mexico yesterday…did he skip voting or mail in his ballot? Is he did mail in his ballot, has Jeff’s vote really been counted?

Tally Ho!! Onward Lug Nutz!!
**yup..I am home, just in time to influence the outcome of the Chase!!!
Stay tuned…